Tuesday, September 23, 2014

A Peek at September Centers

Here is a little looksie at what we have been up to in Kindergarten this week...

This week's theme is LETTERS with the beloved anchor text, Chicka Chicka Boom Boom by Bill Martin.  We sampled a few delicious alphabet cookies from Trader Joe's, sang the campfire tune "I Said a Boom Chicka Boom" (mousey style is our  fave!) and worked on some of the following centers...  (disclaimer- they are NOT cute centers, but they are getting the job done)

Chicka Chicka Stamp and Color 

We colored in the palm tree then stamped out the letters of our names with large alphabet stamps and scented ink pads.  We were not sure if all of our friends' names would fit on the sheet which begged the question... Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, will there be enough room? 
ps- you should see the "after" picks of my room.  It looks like 5 stamp pads EXPLODED all over the tables, chairs, FLOOR, oh yeah, and their  faces and hands.  Ahhhh!  

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Pick-a-Letter, Draw-A-Picture

Pretty self-explanatory... Pick a letter off the sheet pan and then write the letter on the sheet and draw a picture of something that begins with that letter.  

Fine Motor Lacing Center

I love the simplicity of these- no prep and helps build those fine motor skills!  I put out a box of lacing/sewing cards and a pile of laces and ta-dah!  Simple center!

Math Match

 We use Singapore Math and our focus this week is the number '3' and the concept of "the same" and "matching".  Easy peasy matching center.  Students work in pairs; one picks three pattern blocks and arranges them on his/her half of the Math Mat.  Then, the other must match the design the first student created on his/her side of the mat. Then they switch! 

I will be back soon to post about last week's apple centers and projects and next week's name centers!  Have a great week!  
PS- anyone interested in the basic templates as freebies on TPT?  Comment below and I will post them this weekend! 

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