Anyway, I was remiss in wishing all you teachers out there a very happy Mother's Day, I mean we all are "moms" to our students for 8+ hours a day, aren't we? We spent every free minute of last week working on our Mother's Day projects. This whole shebang started about a month ago with our "Top Secret" Planning Pages that went home as homework. You know it always takes 3x longer than you would like to get all the responses back.
The littles had to "snoop" around and ask siblings, dads, grandmas, aunts etc some personal questions about mom. We then turned these planning pages into a 2-3 page People Magazine "article" on mom! They wrote and wrote and wrote and then I edited/proofed and made them rewrite, rewrite, rewrite!
After all of the writing was finally finished, we began the artistic (my favorite!) portion of this activity. The littles choose from three different covers {The Most Beautiful Mother in the World, The Prettiest Mother Alive, or Mother of the Year} and drew a portrait of their mom.
Finally! THe finished product! We backed the covers on pink paper, laminated them, and then collated all of the writing with grosgrain ribbon :)
We have been working on the life cycle of a seed (sunflowers, they are so hearty!) in science, so why not give the moms our seed experiments? We painted pots about a month ago and have been watching our sunflowers grow.
Check Mother's Day off the list... up next, Father's Day!!!